Just pushed out another TestFlight build for Gluon. Here are the release notes:
- Background Audio now continues to play when a video loads. So if you’re listening to a podcast or music, they’ll keep going!
- When you do a “Pull to Refresh” you will now see the loading indicator at the top - as you would expect. Anything in the background or automatic will still trigger the little green and red spinner - but not the pull to refresh one.
- List items now have the correct bullet point colour set depending on your theme.
Thanks again for all the feedback so far. Keep it coming!
Also… the dark theme looks out of date on iOS13 (for any of you running it). I’ll probably add a third true dark theme with a black background. The current one I’ll just name “Space Grey/Gray”.
I’ll update the Android build during the week as I need to tackle some specific Android issue that I didn’t have the time for.