Vincent Ritter

πŸ€“ Dev diaries

All my active project posts, collected here. This is at the heart of what I do and I love.

Active projects:

These are my active development projects at this time. You can go through any of them for more info and see specific posts for the project.


Joyful analytics for your websites. It's perfect for your little corner of the webβ€”think personal blogs or side projects. It's got an admin panel that's a breeze to navigate, giving you just the insights you need, without any of the clutter. It keeps things light-hearted without the overwhelm.

Find out more and read the updates


Start your own blog in seconds, with a beautiful minimal theme and an amazing editor that doesn't get in your way. Customise and make it yours.

Find out more and read the updates

Sublime Feed

The first RSS feed reading service that's tailored for a more calm approach that doesn't make you want to scratch your eyes out. Embrace the FOMO and go with the flow of life.

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Recent posts

I've got some basic feed fetching and subscribing logic done for Sublime Feed. Looks OK so far. It handles a feed URL and adds a subscription straight away. If it finds multiple feeds it will give you an option to choose it. I might add a "description" also if it exists. Now to grab posts... πŸ˜‹

So happy to see all those amazing posts on the Scribbles Explore page β€” some are so very personal and open! Thank you all that write on Scribbles. It gives me hope that there are really great people and content out there.

And so it begins. Server set up and running. Deploys are working... now I just gotta actually start with some useful stuff πŸ˜‹

"Well, it's been a little while since I wrote an update here. The truth is, is that it's been moving pretty fast!"

β€” Updates and a changelog on the Scribbles Blog

Let's see if anyone notices 😋 #changelog

If you're using the awesome Pika blogging platform, and want to use Tinylytics for analytics (you really should), it's totally baked in now β€” including some others. Super exciting. Very thankful to Good Enough to do this in a great way! ✌️❀️

Made a few minor UI tweaks to Tinylytics. Now you can hide the Kudos and Uptime tabs on a site by site basis (subscribers only). Also tweaked the way the embed code and site id are shown when it's all working (less cluttered). Plus some other minor things that only I will notice.

I guess I made a start to my feed reader. Copied across some basics from Scribbles... and it's up and running. Just need to fill in the blanks now πŸ€ͺ

Quick tweak to the dashboard on Tinylytics. It'll now page sites if you have more than 12. Why 12? No one knows. Change that setting on your user profile page to suit your needs.

"You might be running that blog, site or page that is no longer used β€” but you want to hold onto the data for archival purpose β€” look at those good times, or bad. Well, now you can."

β€” Introducing archived sites on the Tinylytics Update Blog