Vincent Ritter

πŸ“° Blog

Posts about whatever is on my mind at the time regarding my projects and perhaps some specific topics. Can be updates, release notes and others.

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If you're using the awesome Pika blogging platform, and want to use Tinylytics for analytics (you really should), it's totally baked in now β€” including some others. Super exciting. Very thankful to Good Enough to do this in a great way! ✌️❀️

Made a few minor UI tweaks to Tinylytics. Now you can hide the Kudos and Uptime tabs on a site by site basis (subscribers only). Also tweaked the way the embed code and site id are shown when it's all working (less cluttered). Plus some other minor things that only I will notice.

I guess I made a start to my feed reader. Copied across some basics from Scribbles... and it's up and running. Just need to fill in the blanks now πŸ€ͺ

If you're using shoutouts, and maybe you should if you don't, I have tweaked the way shoutouts are shown in the dashboard β€” inactive ones are now hidden by default and they have their own dedicated page. Just hit the "Inactive" button and Bob's Your Uncle.

Quick tweak to the dashboard on Tinylytics. It'll now page sites if you have more than 12. Why 12? No one knows. Change that setting on your user profile page to suit your needs.

"You might be running that blog, site or page that is no longer used β€” but you want to hold onto the data for archival purpose β€” look at those good times, or bad. Well, now you can."

β€” Introducing archived sites on the Tinylytics Update Blog

I was thinking of branching off Tinylytics into different apps, for example tracking app usage with events and whatever else I can think of. Although now I am thinking of just adding an optional "pro" mode, which is an add-on subscription, that unlocks a bunch of extras. Thoughts?

"...welcome to a small but important update to Gluon.

* Bug fixes and general improvements."

β€” Release 2024.2 for Gluon 😋

"There is now a new blog settings screen called "crossposting" that shows you all of your available feeds, which you can copy and add to, EchoFeed or any other services that digests RSS feeds and then cross posts them."

β€” Crossposting on the Scribbles Update Blog is back up and running 🥳

We're fixing at the moment. We've identified the issue. And yes, I woke up Manton 😋 Poor guy... although was hoping to hear his groggy voice. is currently down. I will try and revive it when I am back from the school run... so at least 1 hour from now.

Shipped last week, you now have the ability to create categories to your posts with a super simple and slick interface to get started. Categories allows you to add one category per post so that you separate out your content into... well... categories of course.

β€” Introducing Categories on the Scribbles Update Blog

For my next project I will be creating a feed reader, based on the look and feel of Scribbles, that doesn’t make you scratch your eyes out and doesn’t make you feel bad for β€œomg, you didn’t fucking read this yet???” 😬😜

Happy to announce that Scribbles is now open for registration 🥳 Blog post announcing it properly as the week progresses.

Really couldn't be here without all the early adopters! Thank you so very much for all your feedback ✌️❀️

Just a quick PSA for all Scribbles early adopters, this is the last week when you're able to grab the Lifetime plan. You'll always have access to the early adopter yearly plan of $30. I might send out an email to everyone that hasn't yet subscribed β€” totally get that it isn't for everyone too.

Hey folks on, looks like one of the servers wasn't happy so you would have seen intermittent 502 errors. That's now fixed. Will keep monitoring.

Was great fun working on the initial categories feature for Scribbles over the past few days. That's now live. More to do of course, but super duper happy with this initial release. Also had some fun by doing some small "live" updates ✌️❀️

"Just released a new TestFlight for 2024.2 Build 3 that addresses the following issues"

β€” TestFlight 2024.2 [3] on the Gluon Update Blog

Well, happy to report that Strata for Android is coming along super nicely. Everything is working. Needs some icon love now and a bit of polish (although it's looking fantastic already). Man, I love React Native for this very reason! More soon ✌️❀️

Working on Strata for for the next week or so and will bring it to Android. Can't wait to get this finally started β€” I waited too long.

Coffee has been had. Now you have a Reply by Email option in Scribbles. Enter an email you're comfortable sharing and a link will appear at the bottom of each post, with a subject pre-filled.

Will flesh this out more as time goes. You can also find an override for the text that appears ✌️

One mini feature heading to Scribbles either tonight with my evening beer, or tomorrow morning with my coffee 🤓👨‍💻

Small itch I wanted to scratch for Scribbles... and live now, with a post coming later today or tomorrow... you can export any of your published posts straight to HTML or Markdown. Just go to your post and you'll see a new "archive" button in the header. Basic for now with nice filenames.

"Yesterday, after a request from Jason, I added support for Letterbird, a super nice service for embedding a contact form."

β€” Letterbird Contact Form on the Scribbles Update Blog