Vincent Ritter

🎙 Podcasts

Abstract Development

A personal journal where I talk about things I’m working on, the up and downs of freelancing and finding more independence.



🎙 #56 - Oh, I forgot to mention tinylytics

Life changes! Not. Ah yes, bliss.

I basically ramble about my project called tinylytics. And at the same time unable to talk or make proper sentences.

That's it... nothing more. You should subscribe.

Oh wait, and shoutouts... but really, I just mention it. Wait, is this episode a shoutout?

Recorded November 17th, 2023


Duration: 00:13:32

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🎙 #55 - Back to school

Short and sweet, it's back to school for the kid.

So what now? I've been up to a lot, but I won't cover it in this one.

Trying out new things and starting a new work and life balance. Will it stick?

Recorded September 5th, 2023

Duration: 00:06:54

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🎙 #54 - thingy-ma-job, thingy-ma-jig

Gluon gets a new homepage, in preparation of some changes coming your way. Oh and it also got a dedicated update blog!

Next up I introduced data export for and looking at changing payment provider.

Looking forward to WWDC (The Apple developer conference).

Recorded June 5th, 2023


Duration: 00:12:25

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🎙 #53 - Wrapping up the app. Thoughts on themes for

Finishing up the release for the new iOS app for Working on Micropub and XML-RPC, and trying to get through it.

Talking about and the theme section, as I'm not really happy with it. Any ideas on what I should do? I certainly have some ideas. Adding support for more image formats.

Then I move from Bunny DNS back to Cloudflare for shoutouts.

And it's time this weekend! Check the link for details.

Recorded Monday, 15th of May 2023.


Duration: 00:08:04

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🎙 #52 - I'm back

I talk about and getting it ready for the 3.0 and what remains.

Thoughts on digital "social" media and my decision to close Mastodon and not going down the route of hosting it. Writing for my self for "therapy".

Exploring the idea of having a central place for everything, like update blogs, newsletters and more.

Then randomly I talk about moving back to Overcast for my podcast needs, and supporting some new podcasts I've been enjoying over the years. That pretty much sums it up.

What should I do about Sublime Ads? I don't know...


Duration: 00:12:32

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🎙 #51 - Holiday time

Sorry, no meaningful show notes this episode as I wanted to get this out for your listening pleasure.

I touch on, the web and the app we’re building. Then I touch on Gluon, what I’ve been changing (like push notifications) and why – teasing some new features. And of course I forget to talk about the other features I added to Gluon, like pinned profiles 🙃 Oh and I touch on plans on monetising Gluon somehow… somewhere…

Next on the list a quick update on Sublime Ads and how I spun it off to create – and I tease a few ideas I have, even though I think it’s one of those well rounded 99% done projects, meaning I don’t want to change too much.

To finish the year I bring back apps from the dead and perhaps something new I might pick up.

Recorded December, 23rd 2022.


Duration: 00:14:02

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🎙 #50 -

In this episode I talk about taking what I made for Sublime Ads and making it even simpler, in effect copying my own idea - because who needs GitHub Copilot?

So, introducing

My journey to why I did it, like playing with the new Ruby on Rails 7 and import maps (huh?), and tell you more about shoutouts.

On why I kept it simple and building a base for my... next... project...s 😅

Recorded November 4th, 2022



  • [00:00] - [09:05] - Intro &
  • [09:05] - [10:21] - Next projects...?, Outro & Bye 👋

Duration: 00:10:21

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🎙 #49 - Stealing my own idea

This week I talk about new things I worked on for Sublime Ads the past few weeks: Clients and Client portals for the PRO plan.

As I worked on it, I came to realise that there could be a much easier way to get started, so I’ve been working on something on the side.

Sunday was my day for and continued work on the app… including allowing to zoom the web view depending on your dynamic font size in iOS.

Overall just a quick update and more on it later.

Recorded October 25th, 2022



  • [00:00] - [03:10] - Intro & Sublime Ads
  • [03:10] - [07:37] - Stealing my own idea
  • [07:37] - [08:31] - & Bye 👋

Duration: 00:08:31

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🎙 #48 -’s new iOS beta update.

We've been busy working on the iOS app for a few weeks, bringing a new update (version 3) to TestFlight, to you your favourite fruit company.

It's a long beta and will run along the releases of the Android version.

I cut a lot of this episode because of a car that started parking right next to me... I left some of my comments in. Then I tried talking more (not present in this episode) but more and more people started parking... so I gave up.

Thanks for listening. If you like the show, feel free to support me.

Recorded October 10th, 2022



  • [00:00] - [00:34] - Intro & back to school
  • [00:34] - [03:51] - changes
  • [03:51] - [04:37] - Outro (yes, really...)

Duration: 00:04:37

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🎙 #47 - I'm just trying to be "mediocre successful"

It's the first episode after the school holidays... and yes, just got around to editing it, so it's WAY out of date.

First off I welcome ya'll back and touch on trying to do a little less technology. You can skip this section...

Now to the juicy bits. App and recent Android changes and moving onto making it cross-platform (as in... get it ready for iOS release)(finally). And as you might be aware, we've come quite a long way since this episode.

I touch on profile pop ups that we introduced on

Oh and Gluon... poor app.

Then I touch on my blogging habits in August and trying to stay offline a little more. You may also skip this section.

Recorded September 2nd, 2022



  • [00:00] - [01:23] - Intro & technology
  • [01:23] - [04:30] - changes
  • [04:30] - [05:48] - Gluon mania
  • [05:48] - [06:27] - Blogging & staying offline & Outro

Duration: 00:06:27

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