Code Challenge - Day 7. 'My Events' view.
Today I solely worked on the events list that you see under ‘My Events’. Didn’t have too much time today but feel I achieved what I wanted. Plus, it gives me a bit of time tonight to figure out what I want to move along tomorrow.
Thoughts on bad actors
Before I get into it, I was thinking how I can keep my paid model for ‘credits’ of events viable and stop people from abusing the ‘Edit’ feature on an event. So let’s say someone would create an event, publish it, spend one credit on it and then after it is done… they go ahead and edit the event and just change the dates and rename it. I am unsure how I best can handle this.
For now, I think I will trust the user first most. If the event is in the past, mark it “past” in the database and don’t allow any edits on it. Cloning the event will not be a problem.
I understand that people will make mistakes hence I’ll enable the edit feature. Another thing I could do is keep it editable until there are certain amount of ‘attendees’ registered for the event. Disabling the event name and dates to be edited at this stage would be good. In rare cases I will of course accept emails to change it - if it was a genuine mistake.
Hopefully that is a good compromise of potentially pissing off clients and keeping it fair.
My Events View
For this round I made a sketch, but I’ll spare the embarrassment. I wanted a super simple and clean overview of all events, with the latest/upcoming events showing at the top, with past events in their own little section at the bottom (like an archive).
I didn’t want anything over the top or fancy either - just focus on events and make it a nice and simple experience for everyone. There are many apps with fancy graphics and fancy animations… true they are nice… but at the end of the day, it’s the app and the functionality that matters. Not only that, it would take time to build that all in. I’m aiming for an MVP and a learning experience and not a beauty contest.
So this is what I came up with:

To break it down I wanted to show every event with a nice big font as most people can relate to the event name more than a date. Although… maybe they can remember the dates better. A list view may have been good also but I would feel it would be too compressed and perhaps a bit too corporate… time will tell. Although, I’m planning a more condensed list for ‘attendees’ as that might get huge.
The event name is clickable and will at some stage, in the next few days, take you to the event overview page. Attendees will show you how many RSVP’s there are and that is also clickable - this will go to the attendees section of the event page.
'Edit' is self explanatory and will look similar to what we have for ‘Create new Event’. ‘View’ will also take you to the overview page for the event.
'Public link' will open a special page that is viewable by the public where people can register themselves for the event. Thought this might be useful to have so clients can get there quickly. I may look at marking events as private, but we’ll see.
On a different note to myself, I must remember to allow adding attendees manually to an event.
As usual, I made a few tweaks here and there - boring stuff like adding a border radius (curved corners) to the calendar picker, stopped the keyboard from popping up on iOS devices for the date picker… just to name a few.
The site is also adaptable to smaller screens (responsive), so you can see it here for the event page as below:

Still loads to do with tweaking this.
The blue is totally overpowering in my eyes. Perhaps I’ll explore different shades and mix it up a little. TBC.
You can find the page here.
Thanks for reading. I'm pretty excited...
I wrote this article mainly for myself to follow along when I look back at it at some stage. If you like to contribute, please email me or let me know via There is also the Simple Schedule holding site where you can sign up for a beta.
For other posts on the challenge, check out the links below:
- Code challenge - from zero to web app in 60 days
- Code challenge - Prelude and Day 1 - Setting things up
- Code challenge - Day 2
- Code challenge - Day 3. Holding page.
- Code Challenge - Day 4. A login page and a few tweaks.
- Code Challenge - Day 5. Registration page and preliminary app navigation.
- Code Challenge - Day 6. Getting in the groove, new events, MVP considerations.