I worked on a super simple admin area for Picard last night. Just so I can handle any requests coming in, like deletion or Marketing preference changes. Also added the ability to re-send all pending/non-confirmed invites on a one time basis.
The screenshot is my local instance and you can see a few things, for example if they confirmed their email. When they pre-register it sends out an automatic email so they can verify it. If they didn’t I have the ability to send “All pending invites” again, however I can only do it once per email - I want to avoid spam - and also added some extra text to the email template stating exactly that. I could automate this on a weekly basis perhaps, but this will do for now and will come in handy when I’m ready to open it up. Other options include marketing preference toggle - easy enough - and the delete button.

The data in the database is encrypted so I had to find a way to do something quickly, as the database won’t tell me much except encrypted garbage.
Anyway, this was a bit of fun for me and probably not really necessary… However I can build on top of this and add new features as I go.
Next up for today I will work on Login and Register. Will post an update when I can.