Vincent Ritter

Gluon for now available

It’s time friends! Apple has finally approved Gluon after much hiatus. So here I am, pleased to announced that Gluon for is now available on the App Store!

To be honest, I was disheartened by the struggles to get it past app review. So I want to give a special thank you to everyone that has commented and given me hope. I especially want to thank Manton for helping here. Thank you so very much!

Whilst I feel I have been driving app development, I also strongly, and truly, feel that we all worked on this together to make an awesome app for Thank you to all my early beta testers, and all new folks that have come aboard on TestFlight and Android!

The app is free for anyone to download and use. Whilst I wanted to charge up-front for the app, I feel that free is the way. I want more people to join whilst using a great app! I am planning, if you’re interested, some sort of “tip jar” at a later stage. If you want to support me - spread the word and perhaps leave a review in the App Store of your choosing. I would greatly appreciate it.

If you’re using the TestFlight version, please note that the App Store version is a few builds behind. Feel free to stay on the TestFlight for now until I push out another version to the store. Just a general note that I will be changing the TestFlight release cycle soon and I’ll announce more in the coming weeks.

Anyway, super excited and happy that Gluon is now available for both Android and iOS. 🥳

I have so many things planned for the app, now that it’s “official” - so watch this space.

So… get downloading and recommending (if you’d like… no pressure):

From the bottom of my heart, once again, THANK YOU ❤️

- Vincent