Vincent Ritter

Sublime Ads - Pricing Updates

We've updated our pricing plans for Sublime Ads to accommodate more developers with varying budgets and to further make sure we stay on mission.

With prices being increased everywhere, we decided to go and do the opposite. All our pricing plans have been reduced by $5 per month (except the yearly) and are effective immediately.

This better reflects our values of where we want to go in the future. It's a balance of providing a great product and also making sure more developers can make use of Sublime Ads.

Our pricing plans now are the following:

  • PRO 100k/month API calls @ $9/month (previously $14/month, saving $5)
  • PRO 200k/month API calls @ $18/month (previously $24/month, saving $6 😱)
  • PRO 500k/month API calls @ $39/month (previously $44/month, saving $5)
  • Yearly plan 10k/month API calls @ $24/year (unchanged)

If you have an active subscription, you will have been automatically swapped over to the new pricing plans, and credits will apply to your account if you have recently have been charged or subscribed.

Don't have a subscription yet? Well, get to it! I'm sure there is a plan for everyone.