Vincent Ritter

Coffee has been had. Now you have a Reply by Email option in Scribbles. Enter an email you're comfortable sharing and a link will appear at the bottom of each post, with a subject pre-filled.

Will flesh this out more as time goes. You can also find an override for the text that appears ✌️

One mini feature heading to Scribbles either tonight with my evening beer, or tomorrow morning with my coffee 🤓👨‍💻

Small itch I wanted to scratch for Scribbles... and live now, with a post coming later today or tomorrow... you can export any of your published posts straight to HTML or Markdown. Just go to your post and you'll see a new "archive" button in the header. Basic for now with nice filenames.

"Yesterday, after a request from Jason, I added support for Letterbird, a super nice service for embedding a contact form."

Letterbird Contact Form on the Scribbles Update Blog

To be fair to the early adopters of Scribbles, come April 1st (2024) I will be adding the new pricing — if you have registered before that date, you can still grab the Lifetime and also the special yearly. I'll have new monthly and yearly plans for new signups after the 1st ✌️❤️