Vincent Ritter

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Gluon for

A beautiful, nimble and customisable app purposely built for Now archived. Thank you to all through the years ✌️❤️

Gluon is a highly opinionated, but customisable, cross platform app for Android and iOS for

If you’d like to find out more, please visit the Gluon website. Or keep scrolling to read the development blog.

With Gluon, you can do the following:

Project posts JSON/RSS Feed...

Can’t do much more today… but that is how far I got with Gluon's timeline marker. The little button scrolls you to the correct index. When the item is visible, it will remove that prompt and also update to the last, top most, you have seen.

Another OOOooooo:

Oooo, will you look at that…

I know it’s 02:00 AM… but come on… totally trying to get the Markers into Gluon ✌️Should be nice for timeline sync.

Just don’t get your hopes up…

More settings added to Gluon (will be in the next TestFlight)… you can show titles for pinned topics if you so wish. Remove challenges, and of course hide any promoted content. Pinned topics will also pre-fetch the feed, so it’s quick.

Tidying up the settings screen in Gluon… and also now allow to unregister for push notifications (because sometimes you just want to). Also added the push settings there, instead of Nitpicky.

Don’t mind me…

For an upcoming update to Gluon I’ll be adding the ability to permanently disable the promoted content/ads for anyone, irrespective if you have supported me or the app.

I think it’s the right thing to do, and gives people way more options.

Ships next week for both.

Super happy to announce that Gluon for Android, version 2021.1 is now live ❤️ Release notes are here. Thank you so very much to everyone ✌️❤️ … and as always… more to come!

Gluon for Android, version 2021.1, is now "in review" with Google ✌️❤️

New version of Gluon for Android being released this week. Looking quite sexy!

Once iOS 14.5 ships, and I don’t have to run an Xcode beta… I’ll start with the new version of Gluon. Yeah, finally I know…

I am getting frustrated and some apparent limitations now. I want Gluon to be better than it is. All platforms!

Build 38 for the Gluon beta on Android is rolling out slowly. This follows on from the last release. In this one:

  • Fixes a bug where settings are not saved. Thanks Mr. Banana Joe 🍌
  • Adds an option to inline images when composing a post. Just tap on your selected image in the composer and choose the "inline image" option.

Next week I will be working on a few bug fixes you have reported, and also have Push working fully (feel free to register already on the Notifications screen in "More").

Also will tweak the podcast links for the Micro Monday section.

See you next week.