Vincent Ritter

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Start your own blog in seconds, with a beautiful minimal theme and an amazing editor that doesn't get in your way. Customise and make it yours.

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Thank you all for the overwhelming interest in Scribbles! Just wow! I'm aware of everyone that has emailed and I'll be sending out more invites next week — so if you haven't yet heard from me, don't take it to heart ✌️❤️ Much to do and iron out.

Scribbles email has been sent. Can't wait ✌️❤️ I did a "reply all", so don't take it personal.

Anyone interested in testing Scribbles? Some dev posts here to get your interest 😋

Email me: [email protected].

This just looks dope! Just you and your content.

One little tidbit with Scribbles is that you can see the markdown text if you add .md at the end of the URL. Still not perfect (some oddities to work out). Example here.

"Updated" the update blog for Gluon today. Now runs on Scribbles. So much that I still need to do.

Following on with the Scribbles blog custom domain... it actually links to your public blog, for example here is my test one. That's a random slug, which is changeable. When you use a custom domain, it'll check in the database for which blog matches the given hostname. Bit of a mess for now.

Here's a quick sneak peek at a Scribbles blog. That's running on a custom domain, which I wedged in just now so that the app handles the lookup of the correct blog, it won't be launching with that though haha. But hope you get the feel for it and how it'll look.

I actually made Scribbles with the single user in mind also, so it could be hosted by yourself. It works pretty well. Once you register, it will disable registration and the homepage becomes your public posts.

Here's a quick demo video of the Scribbles interface (no sound). I go through some basic text entry, then I show the dropdown and also keyboard navigation. Then I figured out that drag and drop from the desktop doesn't work whilst recording 🤣

Right, one last Scribbles screen grab, the post overview page for your public page. Super simple.

More Scribbles progress today, especially around adding some "profile" info to your page, including image. Then I worked on showing a post, and here is my minimal take on it. It'll probably stay like that and I'll just tweak some of the spacing. At the end of the article there is your blog info.

Haha, I don't need alcohol... I just need to use a bit of skew. Not doing that again 🥴

Some Scribbles UI bits today, mainly around displaying empty states for drafts and public posts. I like the chaotic background for drafts 😋🤷‍♂️

Spent some time on Scribbles yesterday. My main pain point was battling with CORS issues with Backblaze B2. Because I need to directly upload image from the editor. Their CLI never worked, nor did any settings in their admin panel. So now using AWS S3, with B2 as the backup/mirror location. Bliss.