Vincent Ritter

Gluon - Evening 2 App Update

Today I'm tired, and also feel I haven't managed to knuckle down as much as I wanted. I feel progress was slow today. However, I do feel that the time spent was just me getting used to the API.

So, where are we... Now that I finalised the login screen, here's a screenshot. I've added the bottom section to encourage people to sign up if they don't have an account. And I also added relevant error messages, that might be useful to the user.

That layout also seems to work across different screen sizes, so I'm happy with that.

Once you pass Auth, you get to go to the Home screen which will load "all" posts in your timeline. This is the exact behaviour as per website.

I've got preliminary data coming in, including the user avatar for the profile once login is successful. I haven't styled the posts in any way at all - I only wanted to get some raw data.

Another problem I wanted to solve is to avoid a blank slate when the app was closed or killed and it forgets what it downloaded. So, when we come to the Home screen it will check if we saved anything locally, if so it renders those posts and then it goes ahead and checks the feed for anything new, which in turn saves them locally.

There is an API call to that allows you to check how many new posts were since "X" id... however, it only returns a count and not the actual posts - that would be a nice addition. That means, I'm comparing the old list with the new list of posts that I grab from the server, check if the id is already in, and if so... don't save it.

Anyway, here is the not so glamorous view of the feed:

In the header you can see my avatar, that will link to a profile section and ultimately a settings section. Although... I'll probably tweak that ever so slightly. I'd like to keep the right of the header free, for creating new posts - when the time comes.

Also note the "syncing" icon at the top. That is nothing set in stone but useful for me as I work on it.

Plan for tomorrow is to style the post modules, so that I can re-use them nicely.

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