Vincent Ritter

Last update to Gluon this year. Slowing down for the holidays. Thank you to everyone for your support.

It’s time everyone, the holiday is close.

As 2019 closes and 2020 is on the horizon I want to give a huge shoutout to every single one of you that has helped on the journey of building Gluon. Anyone that’s been watching, anyone commenting and anyone that’s using Gluon as their client for

I am truly grateful that there is such a great community! Without you and your support this app would have not gotten where it got to this year.

Saying this, we’ve (together) accomplished much this year and I’m really happy with progress. I tend to take things slow, on purpose. Thank you for sticking with me.

I’ve got one last update that I wanted to get out this year, which is mainly full of little bug fixes. So grab it if you have time.

Gluon is close to being ready, with a few things still left to do:

  • Tagging posts - it’s at 90% - I just need to add the UI for it.
  • Post drafts - it’s also at 80% - I just need to write logic to save it off so you can have multiple items and get to them.
  • IndieWeb (Auth) support for third-party sites and support for other MicroPub enabled sites - I promised this, so it’s going in!
  • Revamp the settings/more screen - it’s one of the first things I did, so it’s time to make it nice and useful.

Whilst iPad support isn’t great at the moment, I’ll work on it during 2020 after I initially release it. I have some ideas.

I’m hoping I can keep working on Gluon for a long time to come and I’m always hearing your requests. I don’t discard them and I write them all down and reply where I can. Gluon is full of things that were requested, so keep it coming.

On that note, I want to say thank you once again and I’ll see you all with more Gluon goodness in the new year… I’ll be blogging about other things though!