Vincent Ritter

Hey, World! … DAMN.

Wow, OK, so HEY launched something called HEY World. Which, as it seems, is a real simple blogging platform, that is basically just you writing an email and sending it to a special address. That in turn gets published.

It's super simple, has an RSS feed per profile and also allows you to sign up via email - to receive updates when someone writes a new post.

This all happened this week as I was on my way.

I really love the idea, and what depresses me the MOST is that I planned, and registered a domain, mid last year for something incredibly similar (June 15th!).

I have always seen a need for something simple, without you having to have your own blog. Just something for you to write and get it out there. The name I chose was "Sublime Thoughts"...


Here is the announcement post from HEY.

Now, I am not put off by this in any way... because I have my own angle on it. But it's a shame in a way... but I will not focus on the negative. I can't do everything, I am only one person.

Anyway, if you are using HEY Personal and once they open it up, it seems like a great idea.

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