Sublime Ads - Client Portals
I’m happy to release a new feature for Sublime Ads, called Client Portals. This was a quick itch I wanted to scratch, which sets the groundwork for more things that I have planned. But let’s get to portals!
Portals allow you to share a private page with your client (saucy?) so that they can see an overview of their stats for their ads. That means they’ll see nice graphs showing just how well, or bad, their campaign is working out with your app…
Here is one from last night that I created locally:

They’re super simple and fun (and probably boring).
Each portal is passkey protected and they all have a unique URL. Here is what it looks like in the admin area:

On top of stats, they’ll also be able to see the status of their ads, for example if they are active, inactive, or expired (if they have a schedule). Here is another screenshot of ads I am running myself:

I’m super excited to have worked on this over the weekend, it was well worth it… and unexpected.
Not to feed the hype machine, but this paves the way for new features that I have planned, for example… wait… let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
As with every release, there are minor fixes and tweaks also, for example a stats counter on the client list view is now available.
Client portals are available with the PRO plan and as always, there is good documentation here: