Vincent Ritter

I've taken the hard decision to stop accepting new payment subscriptions for tinylytics, on a temporary basis, until issues with my payment provider are sorted.

I'm really at a loss for words. The account was flagged as "risky" for some reason... even though I had a personal video conversation with them and also they approved me for taking payments in the first place.

If you have an existing subscription, don't worry, your subscription will continue without issue and hopefully nothing needs to change your end. Whilst I think this will all be resolved, in a positive way, next week, know that I will make sure to refund everything (if it comes to it). There is no need to do anything your end just yet. However, I will be in touch with an update if it all goes south.

Whilst this issue is resolved I've enabled most features for all accounts (minus uptime monitoring). This is on a temporary basis only and hopefully all will be resolved next week.