Vincent Ritter



Just some social posts. Take 'em, leave 'em. Whatever.

I have 3 updates to share over the next few days. Exciting times… maybe also risky but better 😋

One of the things I love about exercising is that afterwards, when your body is totally exhausted, there is just your mind, thoughts to observe.

I really love the Lakota language in Westworld β€” I really dig Native American.

Drank a beer and bought 2 domain names. So I don't know if that's a problem with alcohol or domain names 🤷‍♂️

I do pay for X but hardly post to it. Would really love an easy way to just cross-post there, especially updates like these β€” because I blog first. was perfect for this but we all know that X has been a little silly here. Probably have to build my own I guess 😕

If you see this post on a social channel, please let me know (experimenting) ✌️

Rewatching Westworld 📺

~4 hours use from full. Maybe 1 hour total phone time. 35% battery left.

Also wish the Apple Watch battery would last longer. We used to be able to send people to the moon, lost that ability because of laziness and politics, and we didn’t solve the battery problem yet 🤷‍♂️ 😋 Maybe AI will solve it for us. Bound to 😬🤣

And following on from that, I wish I could just order a new battery and replace it. It’s dumb I have to bring it in for service. Imagine playing a video game and the controller doesn’t hold a charge anymore and you have to send it away. Silly.

The battery in my pocket computer is getting a little old now. Under 80% capacity. When I was in hospital the other day, it started at full charge and only a few hours later, whilst keeping my wife updated, it was already below 20% without much use. Enough to hail a taxi and make it home at 1AM.

I always had this idea in my head about the Polish health system, but yesterday I experienced it first hand and I am impressed even if language was a barrier. Whilst I don’t recommend it, I think this is the best experience I had. Everyone was so super friendly and extremely helpful.

We interrupt this program for unscheduled body maintenance 🤷‍♂️

What's surprised me so much with working on Scribbles is that I learned a lot of new things (still do). Which makes me happy because I can use all this and bring it back into Tinylytics and Shoutouts β€” not to mention all my other plans. Love it a lot.

It’s easy to knee jerk react to many things, and I’m happy I stopped myself within the last hour or so. Hope I can do more of that.