Vincent Ritter

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Joyful analytics for your websites. It's perfect for your little corner of the webβ€”think personal blogs or side projects. It's got an admin panel that's a breeze to navigate, giving you just the insights you need, without any of the clutter. It keeps things light-hearted without the overwhelm.

Tinylytics is perfect for your little corner of the webβ€”think personal blogs or side projects. It's got an admin panel that's a breeze to navigate, giving you just the insights you need, without any of the clutter. It keeps things light-hearted without the overwhelm.

Project posts JSON/RSS Feed...

Thanks everyone for smashing that Kudos button already 🤘🤪

Currently testing support for Kudos/Likes on a page by page basis, using tinylytics on my site. You can add your kudos to this one, or the one in the screenshot. Super simple right now... but works as I want. More to do.

If you're on and want to add tinylytics using a plugin to your theme, there's a great one by @jimmitchell – check it out the details here and you can grab it on the plugins page here. Thank you Jim ✌️❀️

Tinylytics got approved with Paddle payments this week. Super happy! And funny enough, I was also on the phone with them today, and had a real nice chat about my sites. Such nice people. Going to be a nice relationship I hope.

tinylytics is approaching 30K combined page hits, with over 150 sites tracked. Just a reminder that there will be a newsletter soon, and you can sign up either on the website (on your account page), or directly here. Hope to send one out end of this week, and maybe do a monthly update.

Couldn't sleep, so some minor tweaks to tinylytics:

  • Recognise "www" subdomain, on top of the main URL – sometimes that happens where your site load on "www" and also on the root domain (Without "www").
  • Adds option to allow any domain to load your script (usually locked down to your main URL).


tinylytics broke the combined 20,000 hits barrier today. So cool! Next week I'll work on:

  • Recognising "www" subdomain if not added
  • Whitelist other, alternate, domains for the one site
  • Likes/Kudos/Appreciation for posts

In order to get approved with my payment provider, I had to publish pricing for tinylytics. They're on the homepage, here. Let me know what you think. This is only my first pass. There will be extra perks for folks coming from OMG and MB (for the free plan = more hits).

Tweaked the homepage for tinylytics this morning. Let me know what you think. Still need to add stuff to it, but that's kinda what I'm going for.

Some tiny updates this evening to tinylytics:

  • Add the ability to hide detailed stats. It'll only show you the lifetime & 30 day data. Thank you @pratik for the inspiration.
  • Add signup form for the tinylytics update newsletter. Totally optional. Find it on your account page. Or sign up here.

I'm experimenting with a roadmap for tinylytics using GitHub projects. Might be useful. I think it would be good to open this up and show where it's headed. Still very quiet and low in volume for now.

Another 40 minutes until the first email summaries send out for anyone that enabled them in tinylytics. Hope it works 😅

Some quick updates to tinylytics today:

  • You can now enable email reports, coming 9AM UTC every Monday, for your past 7 days. One email per site. Head on over to "edit".
  • Added extra info labels when creating/editing site.
  • Fixed a bug that replaced your public page when you saved the site. Whoops!

I've added super basic documentation to tinylytics. More to add as I go.

10,001 πŸ₯³ I missed it by one. Woohoo.