Vincent Ritter

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Joyful analytics for your websites. It's perfect for your little corner of the webβ€”think personal blogs or side projects. It's got an admin panel that's a breeze to navigate, giving you just the insights you need, without any of the clutter. It keeps things light-hearted without the overwhelm.

Tinylytics is perfect for your little corner of the webβ€”think personal blogs or side projects. It's got an admin panel that's a breeze to navigate, giving you just the insights you need, without any of the clutter. It keeps things light-hearted without the overwhelm.

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Just a little bit of Friday morning fun on tinylytics. I added some hover effects to the avatar upload 😋

If you're using uptime monitoring with tinylytics, I improved the way it handles re-checking your site when it goes down. It'll always check every 10 minutes, but now if it notices downtime, it'll check every 2 minutes. Once it's back up, it'll go back to 10.

Just a random feature for tinylytics today, perhaps even useless... because I like looking at my avatar πŸ€ͺ, and I think it looks more personal, you can now upload one that'll display in the header instead of that blue account icon πŸ˜ƒ Paid accounts only... nah... kidding.

Here's a quick video:

A site on tinylytics went viral on Hacker News... so today, in total, that's ~50,000 hits in a span of a few hours (includes other site hits too, so don't ask me for the exact amount 😋). Crazy. No problem of course! I only noticed because there was a big jump in hits compared to yesterday.

I've updated the "embedding your script" documentation for tinylytics and have added a Javascript only way of adding your script, for services like, that don't allow you to add script tags. Hope that's helpful for a few folks.

Pushed a few minor tweaks to tinylytics today, including the ability to export your Kudos, just like hits. That was missing from the last time. Also added the ability to toggle the password visibility for when you set a public stats page password.

Fixed a few billing related issues on tinylytics today. Namely, when you cancel your subscription before deleting the account, it would delete the account and cancel the subscription, but will throw an error. No more. Also, if you subscribed in the past, but deleted your account, and then you come back, it would get confused when trying to charge you again on the new account. No more.

Today I shipped a small feature for the tinylytics paid plan, where you can filter your data by a given path! Just select the path in the list and it'll set it as the filter. Also works combined with dates including kudos and export.

This will lead to something new next week also.

Enjoy ✌️❀️

Happy weekend everyone ❀️ Thank you all for following my stuff. Tinylytics hit 500k combined page hits a week ago, and today we're just shy of 550k, and added nearly 30 sites since then 🤯

Made a small visual tweak to the site list on tinylytics. Whilst the table view looked nice, I wanted it to look a little bit more elegant β€” and also be nice when viewing on a small screen. Let me know what you think.



Just added some extra email alerts if you've set up site monitoring on tinylytics. Now it'll let you know if you SSL cert is invalid (and then valid if it was invalid). This is in addition to the expiry emails you'll get.

Happened to me today, so I thought I'll add them ✌️

Flew past 500,000 combined page hits, across 432 sites, on tinylytics today πŸ₯³πŸ€―

Added the ability to download your raw hits data, in CSV format, in tinylytics. Works with whatever filter you have set, or current data. Hope this is useful to a few of you ✌️

Small feature request today to add password protection to public stat pages for a site on tinylytics. So here we go, I've added it ✌️

Now you can secure them and send that special someone a special link with your special token... great between friends and family (and other grown up stuff πŸ€”πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ)!

For tinylytics subscribers, I've added the ability to hide the branding on your public stats page.