Vincent Ritter

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Joyful analytics for your websites. It's perfect for your little corner of the web—think personal blogs or side projects. It's got an admin panel that's a breeze to navigate, giving you just the insights you need, without any of the clutter. It keeps things light-hearted without the overwhelm.

Tinylytics is perfect for your little corner of the web—think personal blogs or side projects. It's got an admin panel that's a breeze to navigate, giving you just the insights you need, without any of the clutter. It keeps things light-hearted without the overwhelm.

Project posts JSON/RSS Feed...

Approaching 112k page hits across all sites on tinylytics 🤯

I jut deployed changes to Tinylytics. Namely Quicklinks for filtering data in your dashboard. If you want more data points, let me know. Enjoy ✌️❤️

Quicklinks for filtering in tinylytics? 👀

Nearly ready.

How about a tinylytics Webring? Would that be fun and cool? Would be opt-in of course.

Tinylytics is approaching a combined 100,000 page hits across 254 sites. It gathered just under 700 kudos across those and is tracking the uptime of 41 sites. It also crossed $140/month of revenue, which means it's sustainable for the long run.

So incredible ✌️ Thank you ❤️

Super deeply humbled by all you folks supporting tinylytics ✌️❤️

Just deployed the new date filter for tinylytics. Also works for Kudos now too. Still need to make some tweaks for smaller screen sizes and some other nice to have things – like showing the date you just filtered and quick options like "Today", "Last week" etc.

Considering I did a MVP date filter yesterday for tinylytics, I'm working on making it nicer, which will allow me to add more options too.

Alrighty, one tiny change to tinylytics uptime monitoring is that alert emails will come from a special email address so you can create a special rule in your email client (maybe so it plays a special sound or comes through as a VIP, or whatever). Email is "[email protected]".

I'll be sending out another Tinylytics newsletter this Friday. You can subscribe here, and if you want to read the first one, it's here.

I just added super basic stats date filtering to tinylytics if you're subscribed. Still needs work and will make it much nicer (just wanted to get something out there at least).

Uses native date controls, so no custom UI or library is used for this, which is super nice.

Tinylytics reached $110 monthly recurring revenue yesterday, one week after enabling "optional" subscriptions. I am absolutely BLOWN AWAY 🤯

You are ALL AMAZING ✌️❤️ It really means so much!

Woah, so sexy!

Working on date filtering for tinylytics today. Super easy with Rails scopes. The hard part is the UI 😅

Added a few minor things to tinylytics tonight to uptime monitoring:

  • If enabled, it will show "UP" or "DOWN" next to the uptime tab. Also shows up in the sites list.
  • Any downtime is now shown in a table with the error received, with easy to read times and durations.
  • Next up... 🤪