Code Challenge - Day 9. Progress, changes and regrets.
I seem to find myself more productive in the evenings, so once again a slightly delayed post. I’ll be working on Day 10 already after this one.
It was time to add to the dashboard. So, using the already designed sections, I added upcoming and current events including the latest entries (attendees) for the events in question.
I’ll be expanding this over the course of the week to also show a “welcome” section for when you first log in to get you started. Data, even when fake, looks OK… but what do you show when there is no data? Also, real data will be king here so will be good to see user feedback too. I did sketch out what I had in mind but won’t tackle it just yet.

I don’t want to add too much to this area just yet. You can also see I added some color to the attendees section, just to move away from all this blue.
In a way, I’m still not happy with the events list… but I’m moving along and will revisit that at some later stage. The data I want to show is there, just not decided how to show it just yet.
Event Detail View
To be honest, this isn’t finished yet… but it’s at a good stage to show already. I’m going to keep it relatively easy without too much information overflow. Showing the details of the event, latest attendees with option to show all of them and also a CSV download. That might be useful for getting it into a mailing list or so.

There are still many sections to make for this… as came apparent when I was working on it - sort of daunting at first until I processed it and wrote it all down.
Still to do:
- All attendees view for the event.
- Date filter and view (for multi day events).
- Work out a way to include ‘booking slots’, say for a specific time.
- Add an attendee to an event/date within an event (without leaving the event screen - if that makes sense).
The 3rd point brings me to my regret… I should have designed the Attendees list in an easier way by using a table, as I could easily add a few columns and it would just adjust. Although, I will probably use ‘flex’ or something to do the same thing for me… actually… I think I’ll do exactly that. I’m not a huge fan of tables, but they are great for big data. Looking at extra fields like time slots and dates at the same time, without breaking everything.
Other tweaks
Some icons were changed around for attendees and some added for events. On top, a few color changes here and there just to separate out that blue a little more. I really like to add a bit of yellow too, they go well together.
I also added some info bubble messages when you click on delete event or create an event. I welcome you to try it, or you can see them here:
- Delete event:
- Create event:

Closing thoughts and next steps
I found myself reading my past posts, just to remind myself of where I want to take it. It’s been invaluable sharing all this. If I wouldn’t have written all this down, even though it takes time, I would not think this app would have a clear focus of its direction, nor would it motivate me to keep going and eventually just sink into the black hole which is my 'idea book of the forgotten'. (Yes, I have an idea book folder in Notes with 43 ideas… one of which is this).
For the next steps I’ll be looking at adding some info towards the “paid” tiers and continue with the event view page. I’ll also look at the attendees list in a bit more detail so I can add more data.
I do see myself starting the actual app build by the weekend and will continue to push as best as I can to achieve that. Thinking of a good way to share that as I build it... would be a bit boring not to see it come to actual life... in an app way...
I wrote this article mainly for myself to follow along when I look back at it at some stage. If you like to contribute, please email me or let me know via There is also the Simple Schedule holding site where you can sign up for a beta.
For other posts on the challenge, check out the links below:
- Code challenge - from zero to web app in 60 days
- Code challenge - Prelude and Day 1 - Setting things up
- Code challenge - Day 2
- Code challenge - Day 3. Holding page.
- Code Challenge - Day 4. A login page and a few tweaks.
- Code Challenge - Day 5. Registration page and preliminary app navigation.
- Code Challenge - Day 6. Getting in the groove, new events, MVP considerations.
- Code Challenge - Day 7. 'My Events' view.
- Code Challenge - Day 8. Burning the midnight oil, loud music and good progress.