Vincent Ritter

🎙 Podcasts

Abstract Development

A personal journal where I talk about things I’m working on, the up and downs of freelancing and finding more independence.



🎙 #6 - Gluon launches on iOS. Life continues, for the better.

Welcome to another episode! This week Gluon launched on iOS, so I’m happy to share the good news on the podcast and thank everyone for using the app and giving me your feedback.

I touch on one of the client projects that is finishing and then looking ahead for March and April on my freelance projects.

To round it off I want to re-focus on blogging about my other projects that I’m slowly working on, namely Status and Picard.


Thanks so much for listening!

Duration: 00:06:15

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🎙 #5 - Hiring outside help

In this episode I answer the following question from Ingmar:

have you ever had to sub-contract someone when you ran out of time? Would you be willing to do this at all?

In other exciting news Gluon was rejected once again with app review… and I record the podcast at home (so I may sound more nervous than usual).

Note to self that I need to make sure not to move the microphone from one location to the other. You’ll know when you hear it.

To round it all off I quickly think about using DigitalOcean Spaces and touch on Picard, my server management project.

Thanks all for listening. If you anyone has questions, please let me know.

Duration: 00:14:11

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🎙 #4 - I forgot all about the coffee!

Another week, another episode… no matter the weather!

This week I try and talk about taking it slow when it comes to project work and how easy it is to rush things. Then I go ahead, then I go ahead, then I go ahead and repeat myself a few times… I guess practice makes perfect!

And the worst part… I never got that coffee.

If you want to send in questions you can find me here on my website or on, or if you really must… on Twitter:

And in this episode I touched on the following projects:

Duration: 00:12:14

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🎙 #3 - Getting Gluon ready for app review (again). Working when all plans go out the window.

In this episode I talk about getting Gluon ready for another dose of app review (again). Third time lucky?

I touch on adding a proof-of-concept Gluon blocking API, built on Ruby on Rails, that complements the app if so needs be and talk about adding post draft support for hosted blogs.

Towards the end I quickly talk about that my daughter has been home, off sick, since around Thursday and working around it when you have many things on your plate - and how I deal with it personally.


Thank you all for listening and I’ll see you next week.

Duration: 00:14:36

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🎙 #2 - Focus for the new year and looking ahead

Another episode for your listening pleasure 😃 Recorded on the 7th of January.

I talk about planning for the future and touch on what my plans are in terms of passive income. I also reflect on the holidays, which was nice and quiet, and also about starting to meditate - specifically how it’s helping me, day to day, to deal with life in general.

This episode was recorded before I wrote my post about Gluon after the phone call with the Apple review team.

I touch on taking on a little less client work that I wrote about last year and how that’s working out so far.

And to finish I talk about my plans for some of my projects:

Thank you so much for listening.

Duration: 00:14:10

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🎙 #1 - Hey, I’m Vincent

Hey, I’m Vincent and this is my new podcast Abstract Development. A personal journal where I talk about things I’m working on, the up and downs of freelancing and finding more independence.

This is my first episode, recorded on the 9th of December whilst waiting for my wife and daughter. Yep, I just managed to listen to myself and cut it up to make it bearable.

In this episode I just say hello and talk a little about myself and a few tiny bits of my history leading up to now. I don’t go too far. I probably make many mistakes, but that’s fine. I’m learning! I do say “microcast” but it certainly turned out longer at 21 minutes.

This is nothing professional yet and just getting a feel for it. I do want to explore another medium, so I think podcasting is the way to go.

Hope you enjoy it and thanks for listening to my slightly German accent.

Duration: 00:21:12

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