Vincent Ritter

🎙 Podcasts

Abstract Development

A personal journal where I talk about things I’m working on, the up and downs of freelancing and finding more independence.



🎙 #16 - “Bloop"

In this episode I take a de-tour and install Windows on my machine via BootCamp after watching some of the Microsoft Build conference.

Setting up PHP, Ruby, databases and other things seemed pretty straight forward - although pretty alien to me...

I figure out that Windows runs pretty quick and I'm getting annoyed by the continued poor Apple software quality and the lack of anything "Developer" focused.

Apple certainly needs to do something in this space.

Oh and I mention "Rails" a lot... I actually meant Ruby! Brain = another dumpster fire 🤯


Duration: 00:15:12

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🎙 #15 - Faffing around

Hello, another episode for you listening pleasure. If I sound funny, I was actually lying in bed… less echo and I was a bit tired but felt like recording.

My daughter went back to Kindergarten this week, after 10 weeks away (due to… you know what). Then I concentrate really hard on playing games and see how Windows is so much better at games than the Mac (although I don’t go into detail).

Client projects galore, thankfully, so I need to get back into shape and do it.

To finish off, I give you a small update on personal projects… and wanting to write documentation. Yay.



Duration: 00:03:18

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🎙 #14 - Letting it slip a bit

I'm in the car, in the countryside. Warm weather, tired arms from meeting a tree with an axe.

I talk about how I concentrated just on my own personal projects the past few weeks whilst totally neglecting the client projects. Although this time it's fine due to relaxed timelines.


Duration: 00:05:14

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🎙 #13 - It ticks the box

Yes, I just released an episode, but here is another one. Funny fact, I didn't like Episode 12 on the day so I decided to start with "Episode 12" instead of 13. So today I recorded the correct intro, whilst in the car for Episode 14.

Also featuring my daughter, left it in there for fun.

Anyhoo, I talk about a few more things on Sublime Ads and then I go on about my longterm goals with my apps and ideas.

A bit longer than usual but I hope you get the gist. I do repeat myself a bit just to bring home my points hehe.

Oh and I mention Sublime Feed... my long lost project. Hope to get back to it as it's something I'm certainly interested in. Perhaps in a different form.

I should named this episode: "It ticks the box"... Oh... I did!


Duration: 00:16:50

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🎙 #12 - Tax is boring

Better late than never... this was recorded last weekend, so excuse me if it's a little out of date. Oh and I launched the Gluon update last week!

This episode I talk about re-integrating payment providers as I wasn't happy with my first choice, due to very poor API documentation and the lack of anything great concerning testing, and other pain points.

Then I talk about VAT... and why it's important when you're based in the EU.


Duration: 00:09:22

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🎙 #11 - Another rejection, but that won't stop me

This episode was recorded on Sunday night... and yeah, I'm just getting around to it. It's been a busy week with Sublime Ads and other commitments.

I kick off talking about that silly App Store Review rejection for the Gluon 2020.3 update... because Apple is being very Apple.

Then I talk about Sublime Ads, my little project that I'm working on to keep my mind off a few things. I go into a little more detail what it's about. Excuse the rambling, I'm pretty excited about the Settings screen! Just one of those things you got to do.

Oh and when I say "last Friday", I mean March, 27th.

Thanks for listening.


Duration: 00:13:35

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🎙 #10 - Invisible project

Episode 10… 🥳

In it I talk about that secret, invisible, project that I’ve started last week. Even though it’s been on my mind for a while.

Perhaps I will announce it “tomorrow”, but let’s see. I’m having fun.


Thanks so much for listening everyone!

Duration: 00:05:20

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🎙 #9 - Too much going on right now

Hello. It’s been a while since I last released an episode. There is just too much going on right now on planet Earth to be able to concentrate. However, I won’t talk about it.

In this episode I talk about changes to Gluon and starting yet another project, on the side, just to keep my mind busy. Not revealing it just yet though.


Wishing everyone good health!

Duration: 00:07:49

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🎙 #8 - Take some time off

Sometimes you just should take a few hours, or a few days, off to recharge. In this episode I talk about exactly that. After years of self sacrifice to get where I am now, I see the importance of taking time to just do nothing.

I’m going to be honest, it’s hard to do it at first. So taking small steps is key.

My health is so much better now, compared to a few years ago. Yes I still get stressed, but it now affects me differently than it did when I wasn’t taking time for myself. <- That didn’t make it into the podcast, so I’m hoping to blog about it too.

Duration: 00:06:15

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🎙 #7 - I’m back

After two weeks with no podcast, I took the opportunity to finally record and get something out again.

I finished my big client project and talk about that it went well in general. Then I touch on starting the 2020.3 update to Gluon and adding Pins to the profile page.

Are testers annoyed by the amount of TestFlight builds?

Then I go ahead and share that I want to take a small break from Gluon and concentrate on and finish the registration flow and login.

I also quickly touch on payment providers and why I’m choosing Paddle.


Hope I can do another, better, episode soon.

Duration: 00:04:17

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