Vincent Ritter

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Gluon for

A beautiful, nimble and customisable app purposely built for Now archived. Thank you to all through the years ✌️❤️

Gluon is a highly opinionated, but customisable, cross platform app for Android and iOS for

If you’d like to find out more, please visit the Gluon website. Or keep scrolling to read the development blog.

With Gluon, you can do the following:

Project posts JSON/RSS Feed...

News on the Gluon front… I won’t be releasing any updates until the new year now. It’s something I wanted to do, but decided against it for now. Just want to take it slow.


Gluon TestFlight 2021.3 (Build 14) on iOS.

Hello dear testers,

Welcome to the next build of Gluon.

In this specific release, I have the following tweaks for you:

  • Conversations now don't go blank when you navigate deep into the app, with multi conversations being loaded across screens and main tabs.
  • Conversations are now filtered against your block list. Something that I came across as I blocked a few words and accounts recently. So... a little bit better to clear your head of negativity, continued passive aggressiveness and other things - whatever floats your boat. I'm trying to make it safe no matter where you are in the app. If you spot any other areas, just let me know.
  • Gluon will now clean up temporary data on a cold boot (when you see the Gluon icon). In the past, everything was saved, for every conversation feed and profile, so that it would load super fast... but that caused a few issues with data storage sometimes creeping up to GB's. No more.
  • Some other bits & bobs.

This build is also going out to the slow release cycle.

Happy testing. Let me know any issues.


If you’re on the Gluon TestFlight… please keep an eye out for a small update. It’s to debug push notification problems. So if you’re not receiving any, but have activated it, send me your device token length (found in the notifications settings area at the bottom):

For any of you on iOS, running Gluon, there is a new TestFlight build out ✌️❤️

Ah, so sorry if your push notifications are no longer working for Gluon. The certificate expired and I need to update it. Will do so in the next few days — enjoy the quiet time 😝

Gluon 2021.2 has been released for Android 🥳 Release notes are here.

Gluon is ready for the October 2021 Photoblogging Challenge. Enjoy and happy picture taking! ✌️❤️ 📷

Just released a new Gluon beta for Android, 2021.2 build 47. There is now the ability to edit replies for paid accounts (find it in the "more" screen) amongst many other changes from the last beta.

Hope to officially release this next week ✌️

Hoping to make a small dent into the Gluon Universe this week and finish the Android update that’s been waiting for me...

Asking for anyone using Gluon, that app for… what is the one feature you would like to see improved in the next release (that reads… existing feature and not anything I haven’t shipped). Let me know.

If you’re running the Gluon TestFlight build for iOS, please download the App Store version. It’s due to expire and there won’t be a new build for another few weeks.

BTW, I was totally kidding about Gluon being built with Electron for the Mac. The dev team of one had a talk and decided it’s not worth the dev resources. No further long blog post required to talk about my reasoning.

Gluon for Mac, and other systems that do actually exist, will be powered by ELECTRON.

Starting next week, I’ll be removing Sentry from Gluon. It served a purpose at the beginning, but I just prefer real feedback from people using it. Plus it’s one less data point I need to worry about.