Vincent Ritter

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Sublime Ads

A privacy focused ad management service for your apps, websites and others.

Sublime Ads is a platform to allow you to manage and serve your very own ads in your own apps, on your websites, or other services using a simple API, or a lightweight drop-in JS script. You are in complete control on what you want to show, and how.

Everything is in one place and is easy to manage, no need to write your own custom solution. On top, Sublime Ads is privacy conscious to you and your users. Only taps/clicks will be registered for served ads and nothing else (can also be disabled per ad). I also don't use any tracking for the web application and other things, just like the internet is supposed to be.

Launched early 2021 as an MVP product to satisfy my very own needs as a developer with multiple apps and sites.

Visit the website here.

Project posts JSON/RSS Feed...

Over 3 million API request have been made to Sublime Ads since last year. I missed the milestone. Wonder if that counter actually works 🤣😉

Started adding a bit of snark to Sublime Ads this morning, including the homepage. Also updated the terms of service, with a snark clause. More work to do here.

Actually wanted to work on some new features, but felt like doing this instead.

It's official! Sublime Ads now has a MRR (whatever that means) of €1.96 😍

I just made the official updates page for Sublime Ads public. No idea why I never did that… but here we are. Enjoy! ✌️

Sublime Ads - Pricing Updates

We've updated our pricing plans for Sublime Ads to accommodate more developers with varying budgets and to further make sure we stay on mission.

With prices being increased everywhere, we decided to go and do the opposite. All our pricing plans have been reduced by $5 per month (except the yearly) and are effective immediately.

This better reflects our values of where we want to go in the future. It's a balance of providing a great product and also making sure more developers can make use of Sublime Ads.

Our pricing plans now are the following:

  • PRO 100k/month API calls @ $9/month (previously $14/month, saving $5)
  • PRO 200k/month API calls @ $18/month (previously $24/month, saving $6 😱)
  • PRO 500k/month API calls @ $39/month (previously $44/month, saving $5)
  • Yearly plan 10k/month API calls @ $24/year (unchanged)

If you have an active subscription, you will have been automatically swapped over to the new pricing plans, and credits will apply to your account if you have recently have been charged or subscribed.

Don't have a subscription yet? Well, get to it! I'm sure there is a plan for everyone.

Just published a small bug fix to Sublime Ads. The graphs were not correctly sorting the data depending on how many views and/or taps an "ad" had on the dashboard and category pages. Now it'll show the highest tapped/viewed at the top, like it was supposed to.

Sublime Ads is now on too. I will be cross-posting my dev blog entries there for anyone wanting to follow along. They'll still show up on my own account, with everything else.

Sublime Ads: API Authorization changes

Today I am happy to release a small change to the Sublime Ads API. You can now authorise using the Authorization header with a Bearer token.

It's something I wanted to do for some time... and now it's here for you.

For example, set your header like this: "Authorization": "Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE"

Check out the documentation for more info.

The old way of using tokens still works without issue, so you can pick and choose which suits you best.

Happy "Authorizing"

P.S. I wish auto-correct wouldn't correct "Authorization" all the time 😋

Sublime Ads: Introducing image resizing

I'm happy to release support for "on the fly" image resizing for Sublime Ads, thanks in part to our CDN provider Bunny CDN.

We've been using this for just over a week now for embeds and it has worked a treat.

Image resizing allows you to grab any size you need for your images so they will better fit within your app, site or service without sacrificing the original image quality.

The resized images are cached and stored on the CDN, and are globally available in an instant, and it couldn't be any easier.

At the moment we support "width", "height" and "quality" to be set via the embed API and integration and also through the API.

If you use our embed script we automatically resize the image to 300px wide with a quality of 95%, if no options are set. You can see all the extra options here in our documentation. There is an option to disable it also.

If you're using our API endpoints you can also request to return the correct URL for your image resizing options without having to do anything special client-side. You can check out the documentation here for all the options. You can pass in these options on any API endpoint and your image URLs will always return the correct data.

Really excited to have this officially out now.

Happy resizing.

For what it’s worth… my week long changes to Sublime Ads had nothing to do with the new features 🤣 But, before I announce them, I wanted to make some other changes. So let’s just say the other features were live for at least a week!

Deployed a bunch of stuff just now, after weeks of changes. Going to make an announcement tomorrow at some stage. Pretty excited!

A good few days of work hidden right here. Plan switch logic, account balances, monthly to yearly and whatever else cropped up. Button and details show when selecting your plan. 🥵

This was just for "changing". Did the other work earlier for new subscriptions.

I’ve been working through many changes to Sublime Ads over the past few weeks. Tomorrow I’ll announce a new thing for embeds and integrations (which is one of those things). Gonna be useful I hope. 🎆

Does this mean I am ahead of the curve?

Routing all Sublime Ads images through Bunny CDN as a test. All working nicely.