Vincent Ritter

šŸŽ™ Podcasts

Abstract Development

A personal journal where I talk about things Iā€™m working on, the up and downs of freelancing and finding more independence.



šŸŽ™ #26 - I'm only one person

I know I know, it's a week too late... but here you go.

Oh my, recorded 3 times to make this episode. I give you a small peek into what I was talking about in those unreleased episodes...

Sublime Ads is launched and that means a huge weight has lifted off my shoulder allowing me to get going with other things.

Client work is coming in and I'm trying to find time to make other plans go forward.

HEY for Work is great. That's all I'm gonna say.

Did I mention the Apple documentation is bad? Nope? Well... it is. I talk myself into something LIVE on the podcast, as I talk. Internal conflict galore!

I may or may not be talking about SwiftUI.

Recorded Feb 22nd, 2021.

FYI: Gluon 2021.1 has now shipped for iOS 🥳


00:00 - 02:17 Hello & Intro. Trying to get this to recorded.
02:17 - 03:04 A huge weight lifted off my shoulder.
03:04 - 03:20 Gluon update update.
03:20 - 06:24 TIME, Client, work, HEY for Work.
06:24 - 15:00 More... Gluon! Internal conflict about something.
15:00 - 16:38 This one is for maique.
16:38 - END On the road, see you next time.


Duration: 00:19:25

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šŸŽ™ #25 - It's launch day for Sublime Ads

Today is the day I finally release Sublime Ads for general sign up, so everyone can use it. I'm not expecting much however it's nice to formally allow anyone to register.

My mind was racing about changes that I wanted to make, but I'm holding myself back.

Is required two factor authentication set up too much for just getting people through the door? I'm torn.

I mention that this is a MVP and that I'm not stopping there of course.

I tease a few features planned already, because I want to use it in Gluon.

Recorded Feb 1st, 2021.


00:00 - 01:15: Hello & Intro
01:15 - 02:45: Head is racing, changing 2 factor requirement?
02:45 - 03:07: Breakfast, press a few buttons
03:07 - 06:00: This is only step one. Teasing future features...
06:00 - END: Gonna head home, get the show on the road!


Duration: 00:06:45

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šŸŽ™ #24 - Sublime Ads, ready to launch. HEY for work. Gluon.

Hello everyone, a new episode for you enjoyment. I cover being on the mend after nearly two weeks of being ill. I missed my exercising routing, so it's good to be back.

On February 1st, 2021 I am planning to launch Sublime Ads to for general sign up, after nearly a year of development. I was bed bound, so I worked on it to polish a few things.

HEY for Work has infiltrated my mind and I am hooked! A tiny little review on why it's helping me.

A new version of Gluon is teased, but nothing concrete just yet.

SwiftUI woes... Gluon will stay on React Native for this next version... because the documentation for SwiftUI basically doesn't exist.

Continuing that, I dream of being "Accepted" for a job at Apple to get that documentation sorted.

Recorded January 29th, 2021.


00:00 - 01:26: Recovering, exercising.
01:26 - 07:06: Sublime Ads, getting it ready.
07:06 - 09:11: HEY for Work - email
09:11 - 10:24: Gluon update
10:24 - 11:14: SwiftUI documentation???
11:13 - END: Bye


Duration: 00:11:29

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šŸŽ™ #23 - It's the wording...

Finishing client projects, but there are more in the timeline. I also reject some work because I stick to my values.

Getting a cold/flu - the joys! And yeah, it's totally allowed!

Sublime Ads homepage. Finding it difficult to find the right words because there are just too many use cases for it. Ads without your consent? No thank you!

News FLASH! I have ideas about GLUON!


Duration: 00:10:30

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šŸŽ™ #22 - January is for planning.

The holiday plans were just plans after all. Nothing happened, but that doesn't mean you failed. Family time is important.

January is the month I plan for something new I want to pursue over the course of the year. From ideas in the shower (and other places) it goes to my notebook. First physical and then digital.

It's important to pursue your own ideas, no matter if someone else has done it. Don't be put off by it.

But first, I want to launch Sublime Ads in Q1 - I also talk about more tax/vat related stuff... boring. Did I say it's boring?

Designing in code... it's just easier for me. I prefer it from head to code. I'm just one person after all.

Did I mention Gluon? Nope.

And then I try not to spill too much on my new project idea.


Duration: 00:10:02

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šŸŽ™ #21 - It's a Sublime Ads kinda week. Project plan for the holidays.

This episode is full of self promotion. Hooray!

I start with motivation to restart my writing process when I'm working on a personal project.

Then I go ahead and blurb about Sublime Ads for most of it. So if you're interested you can see what it's about in the link below. Mainly talking about my latest changes and getting it ready for a public release. Super happy that a few folks are already using it. Certainly need to work on more documentation, although early feedback has been good!

Billing is boring. Probably chose the wrong domain name...

Video tutorials anyone?

Slowing down client work, even more is a must.

Then I mention that THIS year I wrote about slowing down... but because 2020 was a time warp it ends up I wrote it 2 years ago... pfff.

I hate the word "marketing" website... but I don't know a better way to describe it.

Should I live stream a frontend build??? Would be kinda fun.

A failed episode that I recorded, so I decide to mention it.

Do some stuff for yourself, it's important... even if you work for the "man".


Duration: 00:14:17

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šŸŽ™ #20 - Playing games, coding and Christmas shopping.

Hello dear listeners, it's been a while. So last time I recorded and released it was in July... woah!

Anyway, here I am rambling away as usual. Am I selling it yet? Probably not.

I talk quickly about Gluon and the rewrite for SwiftUI... I've not been doing much here yet. Then I mention trying to release an update for Android "today". Let's see.

I talk about playing more games and less coding. Don't get me wrong, I love coding - it actually replaced my game playing for a long time.

Whilst on the topic on SwiftUI, later on in the episode, I mention picking up an older project and re-write it.

Amazon... Christmas shopping. Eeeekkkk.

Parenting is hard when your kid just doesn't listen to you anymore. Is this normal? 😭

Thanks for listening.


Duration: 00:06:22

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šŸŽ™ #19 - Balancing Act

Hello dear listeners. It's been a while, and yeah... I recorded 3 times before releasing this one over the past few weeks. No pressure.

In this episode I talk about balancing client projects and personal ones... and how I find it difficult, but getting used to it.

I then dig into planning a small holiday... but not Disneyland... because it just wouldn't be any fun or have good memories associated with it.

Personal projects have been somewhat slow (don't forget I'm balancing stuff)... so some updates on my plans for Gluon and Sublime Ads.

Then I talk about sleeping... a lot.

That's it.

Thanks so much for listening.


Duration: 00:07:21

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šŸŽ™ #18 - Everything in measured ways

Hello and welcome to another episode of me blabbing away, getting it all out there.

Late June we had the Apple Developer conference, also known as WWDC. I get totally excited about wanting to really get into SwiftUI and embrace the native platform as best I can.

Of course I don't want to loose sight of other platforms, so in a way this is ideal to really focus on each.

Then I talk about and what I have planned for that. Perhaps I'll explore a totally different galaxy instead.

To finish off I touch on Sublime Ads and getting it ready for public launch.

Oh and I now have a "Buy me a coffee" page allowing you to support my work, blog and of course this very podcast!


Duration: 00:12:33

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šŸŽ™ #17 - Your passcode is required to enable FaceID

It's hard being a developer. It's hard to please the gods that are Apple. People bend over backwards for them and don't speak up.

The start of the episode is a bit gloomy and full of random thoughts. I left the blank gaps in there for effect...

I touch quickly on wanting to concentrate more on cross-platform services for my business... instead of concentrating on just one - I fight for the user!

Some Gluon updates. And then some Sublime Ads updates.

Random show title for sure, stick right to the end for the drama (not really).


Duration: 00:13:56

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