Vincent Ritter

πŸŽ™ Podcasts

Abstract Development

A personal journal where I talk about things I’m working on, the up and downs of freelancing and finding more independence.



πŸŽ™ #36 - How I Podcast.

I share how I podcast in this mini episode. You'd think I had it all figured out.

Also have problems saying the number 36. Blame the lack of liquid (coffee).

Recorded December, 7th 2021.


Duration: 00:05:24

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πŸŽ™ #35 - Don't let anyone get in the way.

Sharing is caring, right? Yeah. I had some bad interaction with someone which brought me down.

I was put off from sharing more and just staying quiet... do what I do.

But it didn't feel right, after all, no one should make me feel that way.

A short episode to talk about that.

Recorded December, 6th 2021.

Duration: 00:04:00

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πŸŽ™ #34 - I was in a weird place

Yes, here I am again after some months of downtime. And yes, I probably get all the months wrong in the episode.

A quick update on my relationship with, what I'm working on... and the lack of updates - thank you screenshot crash on Android.

Diving into hybrid app development... liking it.

I realised that recording at home is somewhat difficult. So I'm back in the car with my trusty phone and terrible acoustics.

Our daughter started school, so it's all new to us. Spending loads of money.

My reasoning for not recording, getting into a weird spot. Embracing the colder climate and days.

I tease my winter plan for Sublime Ads and all the things I am working on.

Recorded November, 16th 2021.


Duration: 00:09:35

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πŸŽ™ #33 - Welcoming

Ah yes, I finally reveal what I wanted to reveal. So here it is.

Looking forward to this relationship so much and can't wait to work on it more and more.

And don’t worry, Gluon is staying with me!

Recorded July 20th, 2021.


Duration: 00:06:47

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πŸŽ™ #32 - Just can't get anything done.

It's been nice and warm, but that means my brain just doesn't work. So, it's been a bit of a slow week.

Trying to reset my mind by trying to go away for the weekend.

I tease some new client venture... but not telling you just yet even though we all know about it already I guess haha.

More promoted content in Gluon and how I am not managing that. Trying to keep it fresh.

Sublime Ads had a little outage... which is incredibly shocking. And nope, I didn't work on it - didn't even take my laptop to my remote work location (but I didn't know that when I recorded).

Recorded July 15th, 2021.


Duration: 00:06:55

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πŸŽ™ #31 - Reflecting.

We drove to the Masurian Lake District in Poland for a short holiday, which was really amazing... except the place we stayed at. At least our daughter had a great time!

On the drive I had much time to reflect on what I want to do next and how I approach things.

Oh and phones just rub me the wrong way.

Side track a little on playing games, or how I don't.

I hint at Gluon's future... and perhaps another side project to do with (a simple app for replying). Should I uninstall it?

Discord... hmmm, no thanks. So I'll be closing it down for Gluon, email is the way!

I talk about my other in progress app that I never work on... Status for

And then something AMAZING happened, but I won't talk about it yet.

A tiny update on Sublime Ads and what I want to add to ads. Switching the Status page to

OH and a super massive sorry for cutting the ending a little. I was disturbed, things were said... I was sad... feelings were hurt (for me). WHAT CAN YOU DO?

Recorded July 9th, 2021.


Duration: 00:13:28

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πŸŽ™ #30 - Managing time... not.

This is episode 30, which means... nothing really. However, I did get myself a dedicated microphone. So this is the first test for that. Don't mind the fan noise... it's keeping me cool!

Then I ramble on about some client work that didn't go so well, but we all moved on and made things better.

Which brings me to a segment on how I manage my time, or don't actually. Yes, I'm weird... but it works for me. Perhaps it'll work for you.

And no... no "watch buzz" was heard!

Recorded using the Blue Yeti X, without reading the manual, using GarageBand. Exported to WAV and edited in Fission.

Recorded June 21st, 2021.


Duration: 00:09:41

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πŸŽ™ #29 - When you tap, and nothing happens.

Getting an update ready for Gluon... oh and I started a Discord server just for giggles.

Thinking of a new podcast just specific to Gluon releases... because that is all I seem to do here on this one... blah blah blah.

Talking about Gluon. It's become apparent that a lot of people seem to use the app, more than I have initially thought. Which is nice of course.

A side project has landed on my desk. Hooray. Building it in Ruby on Rails. It's motivating me to start my other personal side project to take on HEY World. And nope, not talking about Basecamp.

And then we're back talking about... YESSSSSS... Gluon! My internal struggle with adopting SwiftUI or not continues, especially with everything going on in the Apple world these days.

And nope, interstellar travel does not exist.

Client work is important, but more important is family life... which sometimes I just mess up. I touch on this a little and give myself a financial check where I'm at if everything just went south.

Recorded May 19th, 2021.


Duration: 00:14:07

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πŸŽ™ #28 - Sometimes I have problems concentrating.

Working on a Gluon update for iOS. Checking in on how that's going. UI tweaks, timeline sync... old code.

Back to recovery with loads of exercising. Enjoying ο£Ώ Fitness+ a lot.

Not a lot going on on the web front at the moment, on a personal project basis. Looking at taking time to make a few tweaks here and there and also add embedding option for Sublime Ads.

Recorded April 30th, 2021.


Duration: 00:04:33

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πŸŽ™ #27 - I can't speak for more than 5 minutes

Sometimes client work is fun... this is one of those where it is.

And yeah, I sound groggy in this one... just one of those things.

A quick teaser on my new idea... and should I go down the route of creating a social network for families? Probably a bad idea.

Gluon needs a new editor, so I'm doing some research. Not everyone knows markdown... or wants to learn it. So I'm looking at best of both worlds.

Recorded March 15th, 2021.


Duration: 00:05:10

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